LCBS English Factory – Spoken & Writing Courses

Course Overview
Language means a lot. This course is designed to enrich your knowledge and to
boost your spoken and written ability. Sharing thoughts and ideas will help you to
be confident, to be motivated and what you achieve in your professional journey.
Communication in everywhere, everyday makes you important. Communication
means speaking and writing.
This course is designed to make your spoken and writing level better to the best of
Free Registration:
Why This Course is Important
Importance of English is difficult to explain in one word. In short it will increase
your chances of getting job, getting Visa for study and work. Media, Internet
Browsing, Business, Socializing and many more. Globally you need to keep your
opinion, which is not possible without English.
Who will be Benefitted
There are many benefits for the brain gain through learning and additional
language. The door of knowledge is open for everyone especially students who have
completed class of Higher Secondary School Certificate, Fresher, job seekers,
Executives, Entrepreneur, Call Centre operators, Medical Representatives, Sales &
marketing personnel, and Tourist Guide.
Learning Outcomes
Self-Awareness about the English language, overcoming shyness during
communication in English, Increase understanding power, seeking to develop
student’s abilities in Grammar, Oral skills, Reading and Writing, develop public
speaking abilities.
Training Details:
Total Class: 16
Total Duration: Total 24 hrs.
Class Per Week: 2 Days per week (Friday & Monday)
Time: 7:30 pm to 09:00 Pm
Class Duration: 1.5 hours/Day
Delivery Mode: inhouse
Course Features
- Lectures 13
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 24 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes
Speaking Module
- Lesson -1 General conversation with a stranger (starting→continuing→ending)
- Lesson -2 About Yourself/Family
- Lesson -3 Tracking Bank Agreement (Signature Identification)
- Lesson -4 Stereotypes (Vocabulary, Vocabulary Tips, Speaking Tips)
- Lesson -5 Photo Study (Title of the Story/ Real Character)
- Lesson -6 Interview Preparation
Writing Module