“Learning experiences are like journeys. The journey starts where the learning is now, and ends where the learner is more successful. The end of the journey isn’t knowing more, it’s doing more.”

In a fast paced and dynamic corporate world, training and development of human resources is a crucial function not only for competitive advantage but in many cases survival.
There is enormous value addition to be had in organizing proper training and development sessions for employees. Training allows employees to acquire new skills, sharpen existing ones, perform better, increase productivity and be better leaders.
Since a company is the sum total of what employees achieve individually, organizations should do everything in their power to ensure that employees perform at their peak.
Tackle shortcomings
Every individual has some shortcomings and training and development helps employees iron them out.
Improvement in performance
Training and development goes on to amplify employee strengths and acquire new skill sets.
Employee satisfaction
employees who are satisfied with job training are more likely to stay in the organization and have lower turnover intentions
Increased Productivity
Training and development goes a long way in getting employees up to date with new technology, using existing ones better and then discarding the outdated ones.
With the noble vision of producing a global standard skilled workforce to meet local industry needs and export human talent, LCBS started its journey in 2007 in Limerick, Ireland as Limerick College of Business Studies, LCBS Limerick, and in 2010 in Bangladesh as LCBS Dhaka.
LCBS Dhaka is the trusted name in the Public & Private sector both for global standard Corporate Training and Consultancy provision.
Our services are focused and tailor-made towards the development of human capital so that they can serve the best interest of their nation by upholding and implementing the highest standards of professionalism, promoting good governance and accountability through accomplishing the socio-economic objectives of the respective countries.